Protect your agricultural and livestock farms

Agricultural activities are conditioned by a great variety of risks that man cannot control such as weather conditions, animal disease, or machinery breakdowns.

The Seguro Agrario Combinado is a livestock and crop insurance that can protect your agricultural and livestock farms from these unpredictable risks which could affect your farm during the term of the insurance.

The Seguro Agrario Combinado has the typical coverage of a livestock and crop insurance, sufficient enough to secure the source of income of the agricultural professional, thus reducing their dependence on State aid.

The policy includes the agricultural, forestry, livestock and aquaculture sectors with a series of benefits:

  • Agricultural and Forestry Insurance. Coverages adapted to each type of crop, with the option of insuring all the forecast production and, subsequently, extending coverage with complementary modules1.
  • Livestock and Aquaculture Insurance. Covers the loss of the animal due to causes beyond the control of the farmer/aquaculture farmer, protecting him from lower production1. It offers compulsory sanitation coverage that guarantees the viability of the operation.
  • Removal and Destruction of animal carcasses insurance. Covers the expenses derived from the collection and transfer of animal carcasses, via containers, from a place accessible by lorries at the farm’s entrance, as well as the destruction thereof.

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.

Insurance modules and guarantees

Coverages vary depending on the sector insured, and these are defined in Modules or in Guarantees (basic and additional).

  • Agricultural and Forestry Insurance. They are structured into coverage modules that allow the choice of guarantees, thus personalising the insurance policy according to the characteristics of the operation.
    These insurance policies guarantee the losses, arising in both the production and in the plantation, against the risks of hail, frost, exceptional risks such as those derived from fires, flooding and/or wind or any other climatic adversities. Coverage of installations is optional1.

  • Livestock and Aquaculture Insurance. These insurance policies start with a basic package of coverages to which additional guarantees can be added, thus allowing the product to be adapted to the specific needs of the operation1. A distinction is made between basic and additional guarantees:
  1. Basic Guarantees: these cover the animal losses for all the operations against the risks described below:

    Basic sanitation
    Aphthous fever
    BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
    Climate risks
    Animal attacks
    Mass mortality
  2. Additional Guarantees: to complement the basic guarantees.
    Individual accidents
    Death of young
    Extra Sanitation
    Loss of Milk Quality
  3. Removal and Destruction of Animal Carcasses. There are two optional basic guarantees1:

    General, for farms where all the animals that die are removed and destroyed.
    Partial, for those sheep and goat farms with breeding and rearing activities that have their own authorisation to manage their carcasses in zones for the feeding of necrophagous species (ZPAEN).

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.


Seguro Agrario Combinado

Icon / check Created with Sketch. Reduce the risk of lost income.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. Insure the total forecast production.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. Get access to coverage adapted to your sector.


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