
Prospective Customers


Heirs and Beneficiaries

DPD Contact

Further information on data protection for customers

  • Who is the data controller?

  • Banco Santander, S.A (hereinafter "the Bank" or "Banco Santander").

    Postal address: C/ Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 11-13, 28027 Madrid, Spain.

    Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office contact: privacidad@gruposantander.es

  • What types of persons are covered by this document?

  • This document applies to all persons who show an interest in or apply to the Bank for a product or service (pre-customer), as well as to those who have a legal relationship with the Bank, regardless of the type of involvement, whether they are contract holders (customers), guarantors, authorised persons or representatives, among others.

    The lawful basis for processing the main types of persons are as follows:

        Pre-customer Customer Guarantor

    Authorised persons and other persons 





    Execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures

    Consent As authorised As authorised As authorised As authorised No

    Legitimate interests

    YES, less commercial profiling


    YES, less commercial profiling

    YES, less commercial profiling

    YES, less sales actions, with the exception of sending advertising to representatives or contact persons of legal persons, and commercial profiling.

    Legal obligation



    YES, less risk assessment

    YES, less risk assessment

  • Which types of personal data do we collect and process?

    1. If you are a customer or have applied to become a customer (pre-customer):
    • Identification and contact details: Identity document (Spanish tax ID (NIF), Spanish national ID (DNI), foreign registration number (NIE), non-Spanish identity document/corporate tax ID (CIF)), name and surname, customer number, address, residence, telephone numbers, email address.

      If you have used a digitised handwritten signature in your relations with the Bank in order to request services and/or complete transactions, we will retain the data obtained by digitising the handwritten signature (such as the order, intensity, speed, pressure and acceleration of the stroke), which will be used exclusively as evidence in the event of repudiation, in order to verify, by means of comparison, that the signature is yours, thus authenticating the customer in order to accredit the authenticity of the documentation or transaction that you are formalising with the Bank.

      In the event that you request video identification so that we can authenticate your identity during remote contracting processes, your image pattern, extracted from your photograph during the identification process and from that on your identification document, will be processed.

      Also, in the event you activate voice recognition for authentication on the telephone channel, your voice pattern will be processed in order to authenticate you every time that you call.

    • Data relating to your personal characteristics: gender, age, date of birth, marital status, dependents, place of birth, nationality.
    • Data relating to your social circumstances: hobbies, property and details of your residence, farm or premises (such as size, location and energy features).
    • Academic and professional or employment data: level of studies, qualifications, employment status, activity, profession, professional category, professional association memberships.
    • Economic, financial and solvency data: Current accounts and balance, financial and credit scoring, billing volume (self-employed), source of income, payroll data.
    • Data relating to transactions for goods and services: catalogue of all banking products acquired by the customer, such as credit or debit cards, funds, mortgages, shareholder status, etc., information from other banks or third-party companies (aggregation or payment initiation service – aggregation service – or payment bundling services), means of payment, and the use thereof.
    • Data relating to sales information: use of channels, contact preferences.
    • Transaction data: income, expenses, balances, payments, transfers, direct debits, invoices, notes and movements of contracted products, including the origin, destination, item and third party related to the transaction, location where it is carried out and the date and time.
    • Data on your location, if you have consented to activate the geolocation service on your device.
    • Data about your online behaviour and preferences: for example, pages you visit, browsing habits, your computer's IP address or mobile device ID, device model, online identifiers, whether you have consented to the processing described in our Cookies Policy, available on our website https://www.bancosantander.es/en/politica-de-cookies.
    • Data about your interests you share with us, for example, when you make an enquiry call to our agents, when you run a simulation of our products and/or services or when you subscribe to the Newsletter service.
    • Data relating to the devices from which you access the customer area of the Bank: device model and operating system.
    • Audiovisual data: for example, when we record your voice during a telephone conversation with our managers.
    • Sensitive data: if you have provided us with such data in the context of your relationship with the Bank, we will process your health data relating to your degree of disability, and other information relating to your situation of vulnerability, for the purposes provided for in the regulations on this matter.
    • Information on data from external sources is detailed in the section "How do we obtain your data?".
    1. If you are a guarantor:
    • Identification data: Identity document (NIF, DNI, NIE, non-Spanish identity document/CIF), name and surname, customer number, address, residence, telephone numbers, email address.
    • If you have used a digitised handwritten signature in your relations with the Bank in order to request services and/or complete transactions, we will retain the data obtained by digitising the handwritten signature (such as the order, intensity, speed, pressure and acceleration of the stroke), which will be used exclusively as evidence in the event of repudiation, in order to verify, by means of comparison, that the signature is yours, thus authenticating the customer in order to accredit the authenticity of the documentation or transaction that you are formalising with the Bank.
    • Personal characteristics: date of birth, place of birth, nationality
    • Social circumstances: property and details of your residence, farm or premises
    • Employment details: employment status, activity, profession, professional category
    • Sales information: use of channels
    • Economic, financial and insurance data: Financial and credit scoring, billing volume (self-employed), source of income, payroll data.
    • Information on data from external sources is detailed in the section "How do we obtain your data?".
    1. If you're an authorised person or representative:
    • Identification details: Identity document (NIF, DNI, NIE, non-Spanish identity document/CIF), name and surname, customer number, address, residence, telephone numbers, email address.
    • If you have used a digitised handwritten signature in your relations with the Bank in order to request services and/or complete transactions, we will retain the data obtained by digitising the handwritten signature (such as the order, intensity, speed, pressure and acceleration of the stroke), which will be used exclusively as evidence in the event of repudiation, in order to verify, by means of comparison, that the signature is yours, thus authenticating the customer in order to accredit the authenticity of the documentation or transaction that you are formalising with the Bank.
    • Personal characteristics: date of birth, place of birth, nationality
    • Academic and professional details: employment status, activity, profession, professional category
    • Sales information: use of channels
    • Information on data from external sources is detailed in the section "How do we obtain your data?".

    Regardless of the nature of your relationship with the Bank, the Bank will not collect or process special categories of data concerning you (e.g. data relating to your health, ethnic origin, religious beliefs or political opinions), unless this is strictly necessary in order to manage the service contracted or requested; for example, because you have paid your union dues directly from an account with our Bank or you have specific contractual conditions arising from your situation of vulnerability.

    Finally, the Bank will not collect or process data from minors, unless they have contracts with the Bank, either directly or on behalf of their parents or guardians. The processing of such minors' data shall be limited exclusively to the maintenance and monitoring of the product or service contracted.

  • How do we obtain your data?

  • The Bank obtains your data through the following sources:

    1. Directly from you, through the information that you provide when you request, contract, maintain and make use of products and/or services with us or marketed by us, both directly and indirectly and through any of the channels that the Bank makes available to you (branch, telephone channel, online services, etc.). Examples include: through enquiries, transactions, operations, simulations or applications for such products or services. In addition, subject to obtaining your consent, we may obtain personal data about you when you browse our websites and mobile phone applications, via the use of cookies or any other type of online identifier or through the fingerprint of your device or terminal.
    2. In some cases, such as, for example, the contracting of a product or service with several parties involved or in which the holder is a legal entity and you are a proxy, representative or employee of such entity, your data may be provided by one of them. In these cases, such third parties should be aware that, prior to the communication of your data, they are obligated to inform you of the transfer and, where appropriate, to have obtained your authorisation.
    3. Exceptionally, in order to comply with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing due diligence obligations, we may use information already in the Bank's possession (for example, payroll orders made to the Bank by your employer) to verify the information that you have provided to us on the customer identification form.
    4. External information sources:
    • Central de Información de Riesgos del Banco de España (Bank of Spain Risk Information Centre, or CIRBE), from which we obtain solvency information about you.
    • Credit information systems of which the Bank is a member, such as Asnef-Equifax Servicios de Información sobre Solvencia y Crédito S.L. (Asnef), Experian Bureau de Crédito, S.A. (Experian) and the Registro de Aceptaciones Impagadas (Register of Bad Debt, or RAI), which provide information on solvency, delinquency and, in general, financial or credit risk indicators.
    • Fraud prevention information systems, such as Sociedad Española de Sistemas de Pago, S.A. (Iberpay), Confirma Sistemas de Información S.L. (Confirma) and telecommunications operators.
    • Specialised information files or public sources available on the internet relating to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, from which the Bank obtains information on its customers who hold or are involved in accounts, legal representatives and beneficial owners of accounts.
    • Publicly accessible sources such as official state bulletins and newspapers, public records, government resolutions, telephone books and lists of persons belonging to professional associations.
    • The Spanish General Treasury of the Social Security (TGSS), to verify your source of income.
    • The Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT), in the event that you have provided us with your Secure Verification Code and have authorised the Bank to use it in the virtual office of the AEAT's website in order to download your tax data, so that the Bank can check its veracity for the purposes of analysing the application for the transaction in question.
    • Investment service companies when they deposit their customers' cash with the Bank, for the purposes of determining the bases for calculating contributions to the Spanish Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions.
    • Third-party companies to which you have given your consent for the communication of your personal data to the Bank (for example, insurance companies or entities with which the Bank enters into collaboration agreements through which they obtain your consent for the communication of your personal data to Banco Santander, including Social Networks; Spanish universities to which you, through their corresponding mobile applications, have given your consent for the communication of your personal data to the Bank for commercial purposes; or entities to which you have given your consent to the use of cookies or similar technologies involving the communication to the Bank of your information collected by means of such technologies).
    • Third-party companies that provide services to you when necessary for the execution of a contract with the Bank or the implementation of pre-contractual measures requested by you; such as, for example, payment aggregation or payment initiation services (aggregation service), payment bundling services, prescription services for mortgages or other financial or insurance products, request for information or aggregation of information on payment accounts or services as part of a credit application, or the verification of the requirements for a promotion involving a product or service contracted or applied for.
    • In addition, if you've provided your consent for this purpose, we may obtain personal data on your browsing through the company web pages of the Santander Group or companies who provide commercial information, collected via the use of cookies or any other type of online identifier or through the fingerprint of your device or terminal.
    • Your client, if you are acting as a representative or an authorised individual for a company, entity or another individual.
    • Valuation agencies, if you provide us with your own valuation in the context of a mortgage loan application, so that we can verify its authenticity automatically via the valuation agency issuing the report.
    • Administrative agents' offices: should you apply for a loan/mortgage from us, we will obtain information from them about the total costs associated with this transaction, including related transactions, so that you can make an informed decision; this entire process will be undertaken in compliance with the recommendations provided by the Bank of Spain.
  • For what purpose and on what lawful basis do we process your personal data?

  • Next, the different purposes of Banco Santander data processing are set out below, distinguishing between (i) pre-customers and customers, (ii) guarantors and (iii) authorised persons or representatives:

    I. If you are a customer or have applied to become a customer:

    1. Managing the pre-contractual and, where applicable, contractual relationship relating to any Bank products and/or services which you take out

      When you are interested in any of the products or services offered by the Bank and request information about them and/or the initiation of a contracting process, we will process your personal data for the purpose of assisting you and answering your queries or questions, processing your request and carrying out the preliminary procedures necessary to proceed with such contracting (for example, providing you with information and advice relating to the product or service in which you are interested or assessing the feasibility of your contracting request).

      In addition, we will communicate your data to other Santander Group companies and third-party affiliates and/or companies that collaborate with Santander Group (for example, insurance companies, financial asset managers or venture capital companies), in the event that you, as a customer of the Bank, carry out processes to simulate the contracting of any of these entities' products and/or services marketed by the Bank and/or actually contract said products, or in cases where you are a joint customer of the Bank and such entities, when the purpose of the data communication is the maintenance and development of the contract that you hold with the aforementioned entities. In these cases, the communication will only affect a limited amount of data that the Bank has regarding you, which is, specifically, the data strictly required for drawing up the agreement and/or executing/developing it and for the companies involved to fulfil their legal obligations, namely: your TAX ID numer (NIF), gender, age, address and direct debit information; and, in some cases, also your risk profile, email address and telephone number. The purpose of this is to make it simpler and more agile to arrange products through the Bank that are marketed  or distributes by the Bank but provided by other Group companies or third-party affiliates, taking your condition as a Bank customer into account; ensure these companies can fulfil their legal obligations; and for those companies of which you are also a customer, to have your contact details in order to send you information relevant to the development of your contractual relationship.

      Likewise, in those cases in which a customer applies for financing through the funds of the Instituto de Credito Oficial (Spanish Official Credit Institution), the European Investment Bank, the European Investment Fund or Public Administrations, we will process your personal data for the purpose of managing such application and assessing whether such financing is processed through the funds of the Bank or of the aforementioned entities. Once the financing has been formalised, if applicable, your personal data will be communicated to the Instituto de Crédito Oficial, the European Investment Bank, the European Investment Fund or the Public Administration in question, as appropriate, in order to know which part of the loan is being drawn down by the Bank.

      The lawful basis of this processing is your request for the adoption of pre-contractual measures aimed at contracting any of the products and/or services offered by the Bank or its Group companies.

      In addition, when you contract any of the Bank's products and/or services (assets, liabilities, finance, investment, pension plans, leasing and renting services, etc.), we will process your personal data for the following purposes:

    • Signing, continuing, making changes to and performing the contract. This also includes processing your personal data for the purposes of arranging the portfolios of the Bank's various customers and assigning a specific manager to each portfolio, and processing the transactional data for the products and/or services that you take out with the Bank, when necessary, in order to check that you fulfil the conditions for signing and subsequently performing the contract.
    • To send out informative communications strictly related to the products or services that you have contracted and the operation of these products and services, including the verification of unusual account activity.
    • Where appropriate, to carry out the necessary actions to recover and pay any debts that you may have with the Bank, including updating the data that has already been provided by the debtor.
    • To carry out the new customer onboarding process and provide access to the Bank's digital channels.
    • To provide you with the services that you request from us or that are incorporated into the Bank's digital channels, including the payment aggregation or initiation service(aggregation service), payment grouping services, the performance of transactions and the management of (i) any type of query, claim or incident that may arise from the contractual relationship entered into and (ii) the services offered by ATMs (for example, withdrawals and deposits into accounts, payments of taxes and bills, viewing account activity, transfers, mobile top-ups or password recovery).

    The lawful basis for this processing is the execution of the contract signed between you and the Bank.

    In addition, the Bank may share information associated with the updating of your personal data with the companies, third-party collaborators and/or affiliates of the Santander Group, whose products it markets and/or shows you in your Customer Area of the Bank (website and app) or regarding which you may request information from your manager. In other words, if you update your personal data through the Bank, the Bank may provide the updated data to others.

    You can view the full list of Group companies and Santander Group third-party partners and/or affiliates to which we disclose your data by requesting it from your branch or via the following link: http://bsan.es/sociedades_banco_santander.

    The lawful basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of having all the information updated in all entities of the Santander Group, as well as in the Group's collaborators and/or affiliates whose products are marketed by the Group, without it being necessary for the Data Subjects to request said update for each of them.

    The Bank may also use your customer contact details to keep your shareholder information up to date.

    The lawful basis for this processing is the legitimate interest of the Bank in fulfilling its legal obligations and in facilitating the exercise of the shareholder's rights.

    Likewise, in relation to debt recovery activities, it is possible for the Bank, either directly or through companies with which it contracts such a service, to obtain data in addition to that provided by the debtor at the time of contracting, in order to facilitate their tracing or improve knowledge of their debt payment possibilities; this also includes the performance of actions to ascertain the solvency of debtors, through access to information on their assets and properties, all with the aim of recovering and paying the debt.

    The lawful basis for such processing would be the Bank's legitimate interest in ensuring the fulfilment of the payment obligations previously assumed by its customers with the Bank.

    1. Compliance with the Bank's legal obligations

      We will process your personal data to comply with the legal obligations applicable to the Bank, such as:

    • Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing obligations.

      To comply with these obligations, the Bank will process the data required to comply with the due diligence obligations set out in the applicable regulation. In the event that you request your registration as a customer through the video identification system (remote registration), the Bank will process your data in order to verify your identity and authenticate you. Likewise, for these purposes, the Bank will share your personal data with other Santander Group companies and to third-party affiliates and/or collaborators of the Group that have delegated compliance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing obligations to the Bank, under the terms set out in said regulations.

      Additionally, the Bank may process data that is necessary to analyse transactions carried out that may present signs of money laundering or terrorist financing, and will carry out the relevant communications, where appropriate, with the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses (SEPBLAC) by (i) regularly reporting on transactions that comply with specific requirements set by SEPBLAC or (ii) requesting specific information on a transaction.
    • Tax obligations imposed by the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) in relation to the automatic exchange of information obligation, which obliges the Bank to identify, classify and report certain financial accounts of customers who have legal obligations in the US in the case of FATCA and, in the case of CRS, to different financial authorities located in the jurisdictions participating in this standard. Likewise, for these purposes, the Bank will communicate your personal data to other Santander Group companies and to third-party affiliates and/or collaborators of the Group whose products or services the Group markets and that have expressly delegated compliance with these tax obligations to the Bank, under the terms set out in said regulations.
    • Obligations regarding responsible lending and protection of mortgage borrowers, debt restructuring and social housing. For these purposes, the Bank may process your data to verify and evaluate your solvency and credit risk, establish measures in case you are in a situation of vulnerability, assess the risk of payment default on the transactions that you maintain – as in the case of new transactions that you request from us – and the creation of risk models, including economic and personal information available from companies that provide information on solvency, delinquency and general indicators of financial or credit risk to which the Bank has access or has obtained through the aggregation service when you have consented to it.
    • Legal obligations under prevailing legislation on Securities Markets, Investment Services and other investment legislation to assess your knowledge and experience in the financial markets, your financial situation and investment objectives, and which include the recording of any telephone conversations that end or may end with the closing of an investment services transaction. Likewise, for these purposes, the Bank will share your personal data, in particular the result of the evaluation of your knowledge and experience in the financial markets, with other Santander Group companies and third-party affiliates and/or collaborators, whose products or services the Group markets or distributes and which have expressly delegated compliance with these investment obligations to the Bank and which should have this information at their disposal, under the terms set out in said regulations.

    Occasionally, in order to comply with the obligations mentioned in the two previous points, the Bank uses an automated risk assessment system, which uses a scoring logic that takes into account its information. This system is based on the application, to each Data Subject, of previously designed algorithms, which automatically assign a score according to three different risk levels, as defined in the Bank's customer risk classification policy. This classification allows us to comply with regulatory requirements in terms of risk monitoring, solvency control, regulatory capital calculation, accounting standards (provisions) and responsible lending standards.

    By way of example, the Bank may use fully automated means to verify and evaluate your solvency and credit risk, both to assess the risk of payment default on the transactions that you maintain, as well as in the case of new financing transactions that you request from us.

    Similarly, and also by way of example, the Bank may make decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data when you complete questionnaires to assess your knowledge, experience, financial situation and investment objectives.

    The Bank submits this system to periodic reviews to avoid any possible mismatch, error or inaccuracy in this assessment. Notwithstanding the above, if you do not agree with the result of the assessment, you may challenge the decision by providing the information that you consider appropriate, as well as by requesting the personal involvement of one of our risk analysts.

    • Commercial, corporate and tax obligations and obligations of any kind imposed by the supervisory bodies and competent authorities (for example, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Spain, the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission or the Spanish Data Protection Agency).

    The lawful basis for this processing is compliance with the legal obligations applicable to the Bank.

    1. Consultation of credit information systems and communication of payment defaults to them

      When you apply for a mortgage loan, the Bank may consult the information about you that appears in CIRBE and the credit information systems to which it is has access (for example, Experian, Asnef and RAI), in order to evaluate your solvency and credit risk and assess the viability of your mortgage loan application.

      Likewise, we will consult the content of the aforementioned credit information systems in the event that the aforementioned contracts are entered into and until they are terminated.

      When you hold credit risks with the Bank, either directly (holder) or indirectly (guarantor of a risk product), we will share your data with the CIRBE, including data relating to the characteristics of the risks.

      The lawful basis for consultation with and communication to CIRBE and the consultation of credit information systems is compliance with the legal obligations established by the regulations governing the financial system and real estate credit, in order to comply with the principles of responsible lending and minimisation of credit risk.

      We will also consult such credit information systems when you enter into a contract with us or apply to enter into a contract with us involving financing, deferred payment or periodic billing (e.g. loans or credits) or a contract that supports overdraft credit (e.g. an account) for the same purpose.

      Additionally, if you default on any payment, we may notify credit information systems to which we have access, such as Experian, Asnef and RAI, in compliance with the procedures and guarantees set out in current legislation at any time.

      The lawful basis for this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest in complying with appropriate control and preventing default situations, helping to safeguard the financial system and the economy in general insofar as it allows third-party entities access to solvency information when they have to analyse the solvency of applicants for risky transactions, as expressly established in the regulations governing the protection of personal data.

    2. Prevention and investigation of fraud

      We will process and/or share your data with third parties, whether or not they are Santander Group companies (for example, Confirma, Iberpay and telecommunications operators), to detect and analyse possible fraudulent activity, identify and learn about the participants in such activities, and, where appropriate, take relevant action.

      For this purpose, in cases in which you are a customer of both the Bank and other Santander Group companies and/or third-party affiliates and/or collaborators of the Group, the Bank will share your personal data with such companies and entities, in order to ensure compliance with the Group's management policies relating to the prevention and investigation of fraud.

      Likewise, in the event that you activate the voice recognition service for authentication on the telephone channel, the Bank will process your data for the purpose of authenticating your identity and preventing fraud.

      In addition to the purpose of preventing these kinds of practices, we will process your data for the purpose of sending you communications about fraudsters, in anticipation of potential situations which could adversely affect you as a result of fraudulent acts by third parties, for example.

      The lawful basis of this data processing is the legitimate interest of the Bank or the other organisations that are part of shared fraud-prevention file systems, in cases where we add your data to or consult them in these shared file systems, in preventing, investigating and/or uncovering fraud. More information about the organisations we share your data with for this purpose and how you can exercise your rights is available in the "With whom do we share your data?" section.

    3. Preparation of a commercial profile

      We will process your data to create a commercial profile for you, which will allow us to:

    • Analyse the preferences, behaviours and needs of the Bank's customers related to the products and services offered by the Bank, as well as their propensity to contract or terminate products and services.
    • Present you with a personalised offer of financial products and services, as well as insurance products marketed by the Bank that are related to the products that you have already taken out, taking into account what you have taken out and your habits as a customer.
    • Make observations and recommendations about the products and services that you have already taken out and others that we believe may be of interest to you.
    • Detect potentially vulnerable clients early in order to assist them by adopting protection and support measures adapted to their personal circumstances.
    • Perform an analysis of your transactions and spending habits in order to provide you with information, advice or personalised warnings about them in order to optimise them (such as calculating your carbon footprint, analysing how you're spending your money, calculating your savings capacity, etc.), as well as to identify products and services that could be useful for this purpose.
    • Selecting cultural, music and sporting events sponsored by the Bank or with Bank partner companies, or Santander Group companies that may be of interest to you.
    • If you have subscribed to the Bank's Newsletter or news bulletin service, analysing your preferences and behaviours in order to provide you with personalised content which we think may be of interest to you.

    For these purposes, we will only use internal sources, i.e. we will only process the information that you provide us with and which derives from your contractual and commercial relationship with the Bank: transactional data of the products and/or services that you have taken out with the Bank; information about your interests that you share with us, either through telephone calls with our managers or through your online behaviour (as detailed in section 13); simulations; savings rules that you set; requests for information or the contracting of our products and services; data on your savings and debt capacity in order to analyse your behavioural patterns and habits; data relating to the devices from which you access your Customer Area of the Bank; and geolocation data when you consent to its collection. In particular, we will consult the information that we have on the management of the services we provide you with or the products that you have contracted or maintained in the last year, including the information resulting from the risk models described in section 2, as well as whether you are a shareholder of the Bank.

    The lawful basis for this data processing, aimed at identifying your needs in relation to the products, services, recommendations, advice and information best suited to your personal characteristics and habits, is the Bank's legitimate interest in getting a better understanding of your business in order to improve our marketing activities and the quality of the service that we provide to you, as well as improving the conditions of the products or services that you have taken out or may take out in the future, by tailoring them to your needs.

    Should you consent thereto, we will expand your commercial profile prepared by the Bank, sometimes using additional information from external sources (including third parties with whom you have consented for us to share your data, the payment aggregation or initiation service (aggregation service), payment bundling services; and the other sources mentioned in the section "How do we collect your data?"), so that we can present you with a more personalised product and service offering, based on said profile.

    This processing of existing information with the Bank, arising from your contractual relationship therewith and, where appropriate, additional information collected by external sources, allows for the preparation of a more detailed analysis of your preferences, behaviours and needs than that set out on the basis of the Bank's legitimate interest, and will be used to determine, more precisely, which products and services are better suited to your needs.

    The additional information that we process and, where appropriate, collect from external sources will relate to personal characteristics, social circumstances, academic and professional data, employment details, commercial information, location information, economic and financial data, insurance-related data and data in relation to transactions for goods and services, including transactional data relating to the aggregation service.

    The lawful basis for this processing is the consent provided by means of ticking the box established for this purpose on the form made available to you.

    1. Inclusion in loyalty actions, promotions and competitions/draws

      We will process your data to make loyalty phone calls, send you invitations to events and include you in loyalty actions, promotions, offers and competitions/draws that the Bank promotes among its customers, based on products that you have taken out. For example, the Bank may enter you in a draw in which you may be a winner for simply having used a card issued by the Bank as payment for your purchases or for making use of other services offered by the Bank during the promotion period.

      To do this, we will use your personal identification data and the data from the profile creation described in section 5 above, according to your preferences.

      The lawful basis for this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest in building customer loyalty and increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    2. Management of administrative, preliminary ruling and judicial proceedings

      Where appropriate, we will process your personal data for the defence of the Bank's rights and interests in any administrative, preliminary ruling and/or judicial proceedings arising out of or linked to the relationship with you.

      The lawful basis for such processing is the Bank's legitimate interest in guaranteeing and exercising its right to effective judicial protection.

    3. Verification of the quality of the services provided

      The Bank processes the personal data of our customers for the purposes of carrying out procedures to review, audit and improve the quality of the services provided. This includes: (i) performing satisfaction surveys and analyses of the results; (ii) recording your voice and/or image and saving telephone conversations and/or video calls, only in cases where we expressly indicate this to you; (iii) performing market research through in-person surveys, the aim being to ascertain customers' perception and appraisal of existing and new products.

      The lawful basis for this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest in following a process of continuous improvement as regards the services provided to customers, prospective customers, users and any other interested persons who may contact the Bank, and guaranteeing, in any case, that said service is delivered to a high level of quality, on the part of the Bank as well as the suppliers that provide you with customer service.

    4. Preparation of reports on customers or with customers' personal data

      The Bank processes the personal data of our customers in order to prepare reports of a varied nature:

    • Customer monitoring: defaults, delinquency, refinancing, changes in scoring, etc. Although these reports generally contain aggregate information, they may occasionally include information on identified customers.
    • To produce liquidity and interest reports at the aggregate level, for internal use and, where appropriate, for submission to the supervisor.
    • Credit and operational risk.
    • Analysis of the Bank's risk acceptance activity (financial, non-financial and operational).
    • Conducting audits and reviews of the Bank's internal control.
    • Impact of non-performing loans on the Bank's profit and loss.
    • Follow-ups on commercial strategies and other business analyses, in order to monitor and develop them.
    • To obtain aggregate information in order to prepare statistical studies and business analyses of various kinds, e.g. on the use of the private channels that the Bank makes available to its customers or on the most significant transactions (e.g. the largest fluctuations in incoming or outgoing balances) and complaints that have been lodged at each of the Bank's branches.
    • To prepare internal reports and other reports of an aggregate (for example, business indicators, operational risk) and statistical nature.
    • Sustainability and energy efficiency analysis. In particular, we will process data in order to estimate the calculation of the carbon footprint from the transactions carried out, and to produce reports or statistics on environmental impact and energy efficiency.

    The lawful basis for this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest in increasing its knowledge of its customers, in being able to offer them a better service and advice on the products that they have contracted, in obtaining information on the state of the business that contributes to better corporate, strategic and commercial decision-making, and in maintaining adequate internal management of the Bank and of the business group to which it belongs.

    1. Producing statistics and analytical models

      At the Bank, we process the personal data of our customers for the purpose of producing statistics and analytical models, and in particular to:

    • Generate and develop predictive commercial analytical models.
    • Generate and develop models for personal data quality control and for the consistency of internal reporting quality.
    • Prepare statistical studies and business analyses that help to improve processes and operations.
    • Monitor and analyse the Bank's customer portfolio.

    In order to minimise the processing of personal data, the Bank uses encryption, aggregation, disassociation, anonymisation and/or pseudonymisation techniques, provided that they do not impair the reliability of the results.

    The lawful basis for this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest in gaining knowledge of its business and tailoring its product and service offerings to the needs of its customers, and in improving the Bank's commercial offering through the production and development of predictive and estimative analytical models and algorithms, all with the aim of optimising the services provided.

    1. Performance of sales actions

      At the Bank, we will process your personal data to inform you of the products available to you at the Bank, as well as to send you – by post, email and telephone – commercial communications, both general and segmented or personalised based on your commercial profile (as detailed in section 5 above), about the products and/or services marketed by the Bank, including the sending of greetings on specific dates.

      The lawful basis for this electronic processing with respect to the Bank's own products is Article 21.2 of Spanish Law 34/2002 of 11 July on information society services and electronic commerce, which authorises the sending of such communications when there is a prior contractual relationship, provided that the sender has lawfully obtained the recipient's contact details and uses them to send commercial communications referring to products or services of its own company that are similar to those that were initially contracted with the customer.

      The lawful basis for this processing by other means is the Bank's legitimate interest in keeping you informed of its products and services and those it is marketing.

      For the purposes of this privacy policy, "marketed products" are understood to be those of a financial nature, such as investment funds, pension plans, factoring and confirming products, deposit accounts, mortgages and POS terminals, which are distributed by the Bank.

      In addition, should you consent to it, we will process your personal data for undertaking general and segmented marketing activities, or personalised marketing activities based on your commercial profile (as detailed in section 5 above), such as (i) sending you, by electronic means (email, SMS, among others), sales information regarding products and/or services marketed by the Bank, (ii) offering you products and services from third parties, including Santander Group companies or its affiliate companies, or sold by these companies but not distributed by the Bank, and (iii) informing you about the advantages of third-party products and/or services that you could benefit from by being a customer of the Bank and which do not form part of your contractual offer. You may receive these sales actions via any means, including electronic means (email, fax, SMS, social media, mobile applications, etc.). This consent will be valid even once your relationship with the Bank has terminated, for a period of 12 months, unless revoked by you.

      In order to perform the commercial actions described in the above paragraph, we will use your identifying personal data in addition to your personal data arising from the preparation of profiles described in section 5, according to your preferences.

      The partner and/or affiliate companies whose products may be the subject of the sales actions belong to the following sectors: finance and insurance, consumer goods, training, education and culture, employment, house and home, health and beauty, hotels and travel, software, telecommunications and technology, automotive, consultancy services, property and development, leisure and free time, ticket sales for events or similar, security, textiles and fashion, catering, food, fishing and livestock, agri-food, sport, energy, repairs and maintenance, transport, logistics, administration, consultancy and advisory services, office supplies and equipment, business, industry, healthcare and social services.

      The lawful basis for this processing is the consent provided by means of ticking the box provided for this purpose on the form made available to you.

    2. Communicating personal data to Santander Group companies, affiliate companies thereof or partner companies thereof to perform sales actions

      Should you provide your consent for this purpose, we will transmit your data to Santander Group companies, as well as affiliate companies thereof (e.g. insurance companies and financial asset management companies) and partner companies from the sectors outlined in the above point, so that these companies may perform both general and tailored sales actions in relation to their products and services or those of the Bank.

      So that the above-mentioned companies may offer you tailored products and services, in addition to your identifying and contact information, we will send them the data relating to your commercial profile, described in section five above. These sales actions may be received via by any means, including electronic means (email, fax, SMS, social media, mobile applications). For further information, see the section "With whom do we share your data?".

      The lawful basis for this processing is the consent provided by means of ticking the box established for this purpose on the form made available to you.

    3. Use of cookies and similar technologies on the Bank's website and app

      The Bank uses its own and third-party cookies and similar technologies on its website and app for the following purposes:

    • To remember information so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate their experience from that of other users.
    • To monitor online sales processes, through the web and the app, with the aim of improving sales processes so that they are more intuitive for the customer.
    • To carry out tests, with various stakeholder segments, to check the effectiveness of the modifications introduced in the online sales processes.
    • To analyse user browsing, to detect the point at which users abandon the contracting process, to classify them according to their propensity to contract a product or service depending on how far they have progressed in the process and, if necessary, to contact interested parties so that they can continue with the process.
    • To track and analyse user behaviour, including quantifying ad impacts, to measure web and app activity, in order to make improvements based on the analysis of user usage data.
    • To store information on the users' devices and behaviour obtained through the ongoing observation of their browsing habits, in order to create a specific profile for displaying advertising in accordance with this profile.
    • Sharing a unique identifier with third parties in order to, on the basis of your commercial profile created by the Bank, display personalised advertising for you about our products and services on these third parties' platforms, and so that they can interact with you in accordance with their own cookie policies, if you have consented to their cookies being installed.
    • To monitor our commercial campaigns in order to measure their effectiveness.

    For these purposes, the Bank uses both aggregated and individualised data.

    For more information about the cookies used by the Bank and the type of information collected through them, you can consult the Cookies Policy.

    The lawful basis for this processing is the consent given by the user to allow the use of cookies on the Bank's website and/or app.

    II. If you are a guarantor:

    When you apply as guarantor for a customer or potential customer of the Bank, we will process your personal data as described in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (with consent), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of section "I. If you are a customer or have applied to become a customer".

    III. If you are a representative, authorised person or party involved in a contract:

    1. Processing of contact data for the management of the contractual relationship

      If you are an authorised person or a party involved in a contract of a customer of the Bank (as guarantor, proxy, usufructuary, guardian, etc.) or act as a representative of an individual or a legal entity, we will process your contact information in order to maintain, manage and execute the contractual relationship entered into with that person.

      The lawful basis for the above processing is, in relation to persons acting as representatives of individuals, the execution of the contract; and, in the case of representatives of legal entities, the Bank's legitimate interest in maintaining, managing and executing the contractual relationship entered into with such entities.

    2. Acceptance of credentials

      We will process your personal data for the purpose of verifying your credentials and powers of representation by means of acceptance.

      The lawful basis for the above processing is, in relation to those acting as authorised persons, the execution of the contract; and, in the case of representatives of legal entities, the Bank's legitimate interest in maintaining, managing and executing the contractual relationship entered into with such entities.

      In addition, we will process your personal data as described in paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5 (with consent only for authorised persons or parties involved in a contract; representatives are excluded), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (representatives of natural persons and processing with consent of representatives or contact persons of legal entities are excluded), 12 (with consent only for authorised persons or parties involved in a contract) and 13 of section "I. If you are a customer or have applied to become a customer".

  • Is it compulsory to provide your data?

  • Provided that you wish to take out a product or service with the Bank, you will be required to provide your data and ensure that it is kept up to date and, at any given time, corresponds to your current circumstances.

  • What happens if you do not want to provide your consent?

  • If you do not authorise the processing of your data in cases where your consent is requested, or you wish to revoke your consent at any time, this will not affect the maintenance of or compliance with your contractual relationship with the Bank. In addition, please note that, even if you do not authorise the processing already referred to, specific grounds on which you are able to receive sales communications from the Bank may exist, either on the basis of the legitimate interest thereof (provided that you have not asserted your right to object) or in cases provided for by the law in force.

  • How long do we keep your data?

  • We will process your personal data for as long as the contractual relationship remains valid and remains necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

    If you cancel all your contracts, we will store your data for the purposes of sending you, by electronic means, sales communications regarding the Bank's products and services that are similar to those that you had taken out, unless you have asserted your right to object to this type of communications.

    In addition, if you had consented thereto, we will continue to process the data for the purposes of sending you sales communications about products and/or services sold by the Bank, and about products and/or services from third parties, including Santander Group companies and its affiliate companies.

    This all applies for a period of 12 months following the end of the contractual relationship.

    However, you may object, as well as revoke your consent to processing for the purposes mentioned at any time, as detailed in "What are your rights when you provide us with your data?".

    When your personal data become no longer necessary for the purposes set out in this document, we will store it, duly encrypted, which will mean that the Bank will not carry out any processing other than storing the data to make it available for the competent public administrations, judges and courts, or the public prosecutor's office, for any possible liabilities arising from the contractual relationship maintained or related to the data's processing. We will keep your encrypted data for the time frames set out in applicable provisions or, where applicable, in the contractual relationships with the Bank, and physically erase or fully anonymise your data once these time frames have passed.

  • With whom do we share your data?

  • We share your personal data with:

    1. Santander Group companies and third-party partners and/or affiliates of the Santander Group (for example, insurance companies and financial asset management companies). Depending on the purposes for processing, which we have informed you of in this document, we will only share your data with third parties: i) when doing so is necessary in order to undertake processes to simulate the acquisition of products and/or services from said entities, the actual acquisition of said products and/or services, and/or the maintenance and/or management of the contract in place with the aforementioned entities; ii) when you provide your consent; iii) when the transfer is based on the Bank's legitimate interest and/or that of the third-party company with which we are sharing your data and, lastly; iv) when the transfer is in order to comply with a legal obligation.

      You can view the full list of Group companies and Santander Group third-party partners and/or affiliates to which we disclose your data by requesting it from your branch or via the following link: http://bsan.es/sociedades_banco_santander.

    2. Government agencies and private entities, when there is a legal obligation to disclose it to them (non-exhaustive list):

      2.1) CIRBE (Servicio Central de Información de Riesgos de Banco de España – Bank of Spain Risk Information Centre):  The Bank, in accordance with Ley 44/2002 on the reform of the financial system, will disclose your identifying data (whether as a holder or guarantor) and data regarding the risk of the banking transactions you have contracted with us and, if applicable, your status as self-employed.

      2.2) Financial ownership files of the Servicio Ejecutivo de la Comisión de Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales e Infracciones Monetarias (Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offences): The Bank, in accordance with regulations on the prevention of money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, must disclose the following to the Spanish State Secretariat for the Economy and Business Affairs: (i) identification details of all holders, beneficial owners, representatives or authorised parties and any other individuals with powers of attorney over current accounts, savings accounts, term deposits and any other type of payment account, as well as safe deposit box rental contracts, irrespective of the company name, as well as any changes made to them; and (ii) the start date, termination date and other mandatory data with respect to the aforementioned contracts.

      2.3) The Spanish Tax Agency, in accordance with tax legislation.

      2.4) Official bodies and authorities of other countries, both within and outside of the European Union, as part of the fight against terrorist financing, serious forms of organised crime and money laundering, in the case of transfer orders of funds, and to comply with national and international legal and/or tax-related obligations if you have indicated multiple countries of nationality and/or for tax residence other than Spain.

      2.5) Accounts auditors, when the Bank must be audited to satisfy a legal obligation.

      2.6) Deposit Guarantee Fund. The Bank, for purposes of calculating contributions to the Spanish Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions, will disclose, to said Fund, individualised information regarding balances corresponding to the deposits made by customers.
    3. Courts and state law enforcement and security forces, when doing so is required due to a legal obligation or when it is necessary for the preparation, execution or defence of claims, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Bank to guarantee its right to effective legal protection.
    4. Lawyers and legal representatives, when acting as procedural representatives before a court, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Bank to guarantee its right to effective legal protection and legal assistance.
    5. Shared credit information systems: the Bank may disclose your identifying data and data regarding non-payment to credit information systems with which the Bank is linked, including Experian, Asnef and RAI. The procedures and guarantees in effect at any given time, as established and recognised by the legislation in force, will be complied with at all times.
    6. Third parties for the prevention of fraud, such as Confirma Sistemas de Información S.L. (Confirma) and mobile phone operators: In the case of any request for the opening or acquisition of a payment product or service and/or a financing or deferred payment operation, the bank will disclose your data to the “Fichero Confirma” (a filing system managed by Confirma) for the prevention of fraud.

      The purpose of the file system is the comparison of applications and transactions registered therein by the participating entities in order to detect potential fraud during the arrangement process. This purpose entails assessing the likelihood of fraud in the application. The joint data controllers are the entities that have subscibred to the Fichero Confirma Regulations, and the data processor is Confirma Sistemas de Información, S.L., with registered office at Avda. de la Industria, 18, TRES CANTOS (28760) MADRID. Applicants may consult the list of entities that are currently subscribed to the Fichero Confirma Regulations on the website www.confirmasistemas.es. The legal basis for processing personal data is the legitimate interest of the joint controllers in preventing fraud (Recital 47 GDPR), in order to avoid possible negative economic consequences and possible legal breaches by applicants. Consulting the Fichero Confirma is appropriate in view of the purpose pursued, and proportionate in relation to the benefit obtained by the joint controllers and the impact on the privacy of the applicants. Furthermore, the processing of data is in line with the reasonable expectations of data subjects as it is a common practice and takes place in the framework of an application. In order to avoid prejudice and negative consequences for applicants, technical and organisational measures have been taken to reinforce the confidentiality and security of this information.

      Personal data will be stored for a maximum of five years. Data sent to the Fichero Confirma may be viewed by entities that subscribe to the Fichero Confirma Regulations. There are no plans to transfer data to a third country or international organisation.

      In accordance with current data protection regulations, data subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing, not to be subject to individual automated decisions with legal effects, and portability, by contacting the registered office of the data processor, CONFIRMA SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN, S.L., at the address indicated above. Data subjects may also make use of their right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority.

      CONFIRMA SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN, S.L. has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted via e-mail at dpo@confirmasistemas.es for any privacy requests related to the Fichero Confirma.

      Moreover, with regard to any application for an acquisition of a product or service or when you amend your telephone number, your telephone number may be checked with mobile phone operators in order to detect potential identity theft and to prevent fraud.
    7. Sociedad Española de Sistemas de Pago, S.A. (Iberpay): Within the framework of any request to arrange a product through remote channels in which you have authorised the Bank to assess the transaction risk through the aggregation service, we will share your data with the Iberpay platform to confirm that you are the holder of the aggregated account. The data controllers of the "Iberpay platform" are the member Entities of the National Electronic Clearing System (SNCE), and the data processor is Iberpay S.L.

      Furthermore, for purposes of detecting and preventing fraud, the Bank may add your data to a shared banking-transaction fraud-prevention file system, which is managed by Iberpay and for which responsibility is shared by the participating organisations, including the Bank, for detectng, investigating, monitoring and potentially reporting suspicious and fraudulent transactions involving your current or savings account. Data relating to the IBAN number and the holder of the account involved in the presumed suspicious or fraudulent transaction are added to this shared file system and, where applicable, may be made known to the financial organisations that are part of this shared file system, for the sole purpose of detecting, preventing and monitoring fraud. You can view the up-to-date list of the organisations that are part of this shared file system at this link, request additional information and enquire about the key aspects of the shared-responsibility agreement between these organisations by emailing privacidad@gruposantander.es

      The only data that we will transmit to the filing system will be that relating to the IBAN and the holder of the account involved in the unauthorised or suspected fraudulent transaction. This data may be viewed by the other participating institutions. The lawful basis for the processing is the Bank's legitimate interest to detect and prevent fraud in banking transactions involving your account, which is also in the interest of account holders potentially affected by fraud committed by a third party.

      The data will be stored in the filing system for a maximum period of 30 days in the case of suspicious transactions, and of one year in the case of unauthorised transactions (when the fraud has been confirmed by the victim). The Bank will automatically erase data included in the shared filing system when they are no longer accurate or do not accurately reflect the situation of the victim
    8. Other credit institutions, state-owned corporate entities, brokers, collective investment undertakings, venture capital firms and guarantee institutions, trusted third-party service providers, payment service providers, third-party aggregators, payment systems and technology service providers, Notaries, Registrars, valuing companies, digital certificate issuers and administrators, in cases where it is necessary for the execution of a contract or provision of a service that you request from us. For example, when you order a transfer to another institution within or outside the European Union, we will disclose, as necessary, your data for the execution of the order, or when risk operations that we grant you are guaranteed and/or subsidised by third-party institutions with which the Bank has entered into a cooperation agreement (for example, the European Investment Fund or the ICO [Instituto de Crédito Oficial – Spanish official credit institution]); when you make a request to us for a transaction via a third party (broker) with which the Bank works; when the contract that you entered into with the Bank must be notarised by a Notary Public or recorded in a Mercantile Registry, a Registry of Movable Goods or Property Registry for a trusted third party; or when, with regard to an application to acquire a service, in order to obtain the documentation and information needed to consider said application, we are required to do so via a digital certificate issuer. Moreover, when processing a mortgage transaction, we will disclose your data to the administrator to calculate and prepare the provision of funds.
    9. Banco Santander service provider: The Bank also works in partnership with some third-party service providers that have access to your personal data and who process this data, as the data processor, on behalf of the Bank as part of their services.

      The Bank follows strict criteria when selecting its service providers so as to ensure compliance with its data protection obligations, and it signs data processing agreements with them binding them to the following obligations: applying appropriate technical and organisational measures; processing personal data for the purposes agreed and only in accordance with documented instructions from the Bank; and deleting or returning the data to the Bank once the services have been provided.

      Specifically, the Bank will arrange to have third parties provide services in sectors including but not limited to the following: logistics services, legal advice, administration, provider approval, services from management companies not linked to the Santander Group for transmitting or executing shares or units in undertakings for collective investment via specialised technological platforms, multidisciplinary professional services companies, technological service provider companies, software service provider companies, physical security companies, instant messaging service providers and call centre service companies
  • Will your personal data be transmitted to third-party countries?

  • The data processors engaged by the bank may include providers outside of the European Economic Area, with your data being transmitted internationally. To that effect, the Bank will only transfer to third countries (i) if there is an adequacy decision that determines the country to have a level of protection comparable to that of the European Union; (ii) failing that, by applying suitable safeguards to conform with the data protection regulation, such as signing standard contractual clauses or the binding corporate rules. The Data Subject may request further information regarding the aforementioned appropriate safeguards by using the contact information in the section "What are your rights when you provide us with your data?"

    Furthermore, when you request a transaction in which the destination bank account is in a country outside of the European Economic Area, your personal data will be transferred to the institution with which said account is held. In such circumstances, the legitimate basis for the aforementioned transfer is that it is necessary for the execution of the contract between you and the Bank.
  • What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

  • You may exercise your rights of access, portability, rectification, erasure, restriction and objection. You will also have the right not to be subject to automated decision-making and, as such, you will be able to request human intervention in decision-making concerning you by the Bank and express your point of view; you may also contest decisions.

    With regard to processing on the basis of a legitimate interest, you may request information relating to the Bank's assessment, as well as object to any such processing; for the purposes thereof, you must contact the Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office and explain the reason for your objection. It will not be necessary for you to provide any such reason should your objection be in relation to the processing of your data for sales purposes; notification of your wish not to receive sales communications will suffice.

    In addition, you may revoke, at any time, the consent that you have given, with no legal effect on any processing carried out prior on the basis of said consent.

    To exercise these rights, or for any matter related to the processing of your personal data, please send an email to privacidad@gruposantander.es or send a letter to: C/ Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 11-13, 28027 Madrid, Spain (FAO Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office). Where there are reasonable doubts with regard to your identity (for example, where communications are sent from an email address that differs to the one that you provided to the Bank), you will be requested to provide additional information to help us verify your identity. Should you exercise your rights through a representative, you must also provide valid supporting documentation for this representation.

    The additional information that you provide to identify yourself will be processed for the purposes of verifying your identity and managing the handling of the right asserted.

    Should you exercise your right to access your personal data, please note that you will only receive a copy of the data that is being processed by this entity.

    In addition, you may contact the Bank's Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office at the following email address: privacidad@gruposantander.es.

    Finally, you can lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). The necessary information is available on its website: www.aepd.es.

The Bank may update this document in the future. The date of its entry into force is provided at the bottom of the document. Check this information periodically to ensure that you are aware of the latest version.

Version: June 18, 2024


You can manage your consents by accessing your personal area.

Further information on data protection for prospective customers

  • Who is the data controller?

  • Banco Santander, S.A (hereinafter "the Bank" or "Banco Santander").

    Postal address: C/ Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 11-13, 28027 Madrid, Spain.

    Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office contact: privacidad@gruposantander.es

  • What types of persons are covered by this document?

  • This document applies to all individuals who, irrespective of whether they are customers of the Bank, request the following from the Bank: (i) to be contacted for the purposes of handling a request for information about its products or services; (ii) to participate in a competition, draw, experience or similar activity organised by the Bank; (iii) to register as a user of the Bank's Newsletter or news bulletin distribution service; (iv) register for any of the non-financial services offered by the Bank (for example, services provided in the Work Café) and (v) through the consent granted to the Bank when they are not customers of the bank, to process their data for marketing purposes. In the case of the Bank's customers, the Bank will process these data for commercial purposes in accordance with the scope and purposes which have already been set out to and/or consented to by them through their customer relationship with the Bank. For these purposes, the Bank may identify you as a customer using the email address that you provided. Should you provide a different address to your registered customer address, except in exceptional cases where we request your identity document, the Bank may not identify you as a customer and all data will be processed solely in accordance with this data protection policy.
  • Which types of personal data do we collect and process?

    • Identifying data and contact information: name and surname(s), address, telephone number and email address: As an exceptional measure, and only when necessary to manage your request, for example, to verify that you are a customer, we will collect your identity document (Spanish tax ID (NIF), Spanish national ID (DNI), non-Spanish identity document/corporate tax ID (CIF)).
    • Data relating to your personal characteristics: gender, age range.
    • Data about your interests that you share with us: for example, when you make an enquiry call to our agents or when you sign up for a specific experience, draw or competition and/or event held or sponsored by the Bank, or when you register as a user of any of our non-financial services.
    • Academic and professional or work data: activity, profession, professional category.
    • Data about your online behaviour and preferences: for example, pages that you visit, browsing habits, your computer's IP address or your mobile device's ID, online identifiers, whether you have consented to the processing described in our Cookies Policy, available on our website https://www.bancosantander.es/en/politica-de-cookies.
  • How do we obtain your data?

  • The Bank obtains your data directly from you, from the information you provide us when you apply for, hold and use our services.

    In addition, the Bank may obtain your data from third-party companies to which you have provided your consent to share your personal data with the Bank; in particular, companies of Santander Group (for example, managers) and third parties working with and/or owned by Santander Group to which you have provided your consent for the transfer of your data for marketing purposes and/or organisations to which you have provided your consent for using cookies or similar technologies which involve disclosing your information collected using these technologies to the Bank.
  • For what purposes and on what lawful basis do we process your personal data?

  • The different purposes of Banco Santander's data processing are set out below:
    1. Handling a request or service for the individual providing the data

      We will process your personal data for handling your request and/or providing the service that you request, in the following circumstances: (i) when you request to be contacted for the purposes of handling a request for information about your products or services; (ii) to participate in a competition, draw, experience or similar activity organised by the Bank; (iii) to register as a user of the Bank's Newsletter or news bulletin distribution service and any requests which may arise from it; or (iv) register for any of the non-financial services offered by the Bank (for example, services provided in the Work Café).

      In addition, when you register for any of our non-financial services, we will process your personal data for the following purposes:

    • To register you as a new digital user and to give you access to the services as a registered user.
    • To send you informative communications strictly related to the products or services you have registered for as a user and regarding how to use them.

    Finally, we will process your data to assist you with any type of query, claim or incident related to the products or services you have registered for.

    The lawful basis for this processing is to process your request or the service provided by you to the Bank.

    1. Compliance with the Bank's legal obligations

      We will process your personal data to comply with the legal obligations that are applicable to the Bank, such as tax obligations and obligations of any kind imposed by supervisory bodies and competent authorities.

      The lawful basis for this processing is is compliance with the legal obligations applicable to the Bank.

    2. Prevention and investigation of fraud

      We will process your data to detect and analyse potential fraudulent activities, identify and determine the participants in the same and, where applicable, carry out any measures deemed necessary.

      The lawful basis for this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest in preventing, investigating and/or discovering fraud.

    3. Management of administrative, preliminary ruling and judicial proceedings

      In this case, we will process your personal data to protect the rights and interests of the Bank in any type of administrative, preliminary ruling and/or judicial proceedings arising from or linked to the relationship established with you.

      The lawful basis for such processing lies in the Bank's legitimate interest in guaranteeing and exercising its right to effective judicial protection.

    4. Verification of the quality of the services provided

      The Bank will process your personal data for the purposes of carrying out procedures to review, audit and improve the quality of the services provided. This includes: (i) performing satisfaction surveys and the analysis of the results; (ii) recording your voice and image and saving telephone conversations and/or video calls, only in cases where we expressly indicate this to you; (iii) performing market research through in-person surveys, the aim being to ascertain the perception and appraisal of the services that we have provided to you.

      The lawful basis for this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest to follow a process of continuous improvement as regards the services provided to prospective customers and any other interested persons who may contact the Bank, and to guarantee, in any case, that said service is delivered to a high level of quality, on the part of the Bank as well as the suppliers that provide the customer service to you.

    5. Preparation of statistics and internal reports

      The Bank processes your personal data in order to prepare reports of a varied nature:

    • To conduct the Bank's audits and internal control reviews.
    • To follow up on commercial strategies and other business analyses.
    • To obtain aggregate information in order to prepare statistical studies and business analyses of a varied nature, for example, regarding the use of the channels that the Bank makes available to its customers and non-customers to serve them and to complaints in relation to the services provided by the Bank.
    • To prepare internal reports and other reports of an aggregate (for example, business indicators, operational risk) and statistical nature.

    The lawful basis for this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest din increasing the knowledge that it has of its customers and prospective customers, to be able to offer them a better service and obtain information about their state of business that contributes to better corporate, strategic and sales decision-making, and in maintaining adequate internal management of the Bank and of the business group to which it belongs.

    1. Creating a commercial profile for undertaking marketing activities and personalising services

      If you are not a Bank customer, on the basis of the consent you provide by selecting the corresponding checkbox, if it is provided, the Bank will process your data relating to your personal characteristics, data about your interests and online behaviour and preferences, set out in the "Which types of data do we collect and process?" section. In addition to statistical information from external and/or internal sources (for example, statistical data about revenue or income obtained from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics [INE] using the postcode of your address) in order to perform an analysis of your preferences, behaviours and needs, which will help us to get an idea of your situation in order to be able to select events and/or experiences which we believe may be of interest to you; recommend that you participate in draws or competitions organised by the Bank; and identify products and services which may be of interest to you, so that we can provide you with a personalised offering of our own and third-party products or services. The Bank will process your identification data, in particular, your full name and contact details (your email address and telephone numbers) in order to undertake marketing activities.

      The commercial profile that the Bank creates using your data will be used by the Bank for providing you with and/or sending you a personalised offering, by email or telephone, of its own products and services and products and services from Santander Group third-party companies, affiliate companies or partner companies, including invitations to participate in events, experiences, draws or competitions, and for personalising the services that you request from us (for example, if you register for the Bank's Newsletter or news bulletin distribution service, the commercial profile created by the Bank will be used to personalise it for you by presenting content that we believe may be of interest to you).

      The partner and/or affiliate companies whose products may be the subject of the sales actions belong to the following sectors: finance and insurance, consumer goods, training, education and culture, employment, house and home, health and beauty, hotels and travel, software, telecommunications and technology, automotive, consultancy services, property and development, leisure and free time, ticket sales for events or similar, security, textiles and fashion, catering, food, fishing and livestock, agri-food, sport, energy, repairs and maintenance, transport, logistics, administration, consultancy and advisory services, office supplies and equipment, business, industry, healthcare and social services.

      The lawful basis for this processing is the consent provided by means of ticking the box(es) established for this purpose on the form made available to you.

    2. Use of cookies and similar technologies on the Bank's website and app

    The Bank uses its own and third-party cookies and similar technologies on its website for the following purposes:

    • To monitor the process as regards competition and draw entries and participation in experiences promoted by the Bank, through its website, with the aim of improving sales processes so that they are more intuitive for the customer.
    • To track and analyse user behaviour, including views for or interest in the experiences published, to measure web activity, in order to make improvements based on the analysis of user usage data.
    • To store information on user behaviour obtained through the ongoing observation of their browsing habits, which enables the creation of a specific profile for displaying advertising in accordance with this profile.
    • Sharing a unique identifier with third parties in order to, on the basis of your commercial profile created by the Bank, display personalised advertising for you about our products and services on these third parties' platforms, and so that they can interact with you in accordance with their own cookie policies, if you have consented to their cookies being installed.
    • To monitor our commercial campaigns in order to measure their effectiveness.

    For these purposes, the Bank uses both aggregated and individualised data.

    For more information about the cookies used by the Bank and the type of information collected through them, you can consult the Cookies Policy.

    The lawful basis for this processing is the consent given by the user to allow the use of cookies on the Bank's website.

  • Is it compulsory to provide your data?

  • We register you as a potential customer using the email address you provide. This address is used as your unique identifier and is linked to all data processing relating to you, in accordance with this document. Therefore, you should not use any email addresses that may be shared with others.

    If you use a shared email address, these third parties will have access to the information that we send you. We will treat any requests we receive using this address as being from you.

    Furthermore, you cannot change the email address connected with any pending request or used with services you have requested or signed up for, as we use your email address as your unique identifier. If you wish to change your email address, you will have to cancel the pending services or requests and reapply for the services or register them again with your new email address, which we will then use as your new identifier.
  • How long do we keep your data?

  • We will process your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and, in the event that you have consented for us to process your data for sales purposes, as long as you do not revoke your consent or request the suppression of your data.

    When your personal data becomes no longer necessary for the purposes set out in this document, we will store it, duly encrypted, which will mean that the Bank will not carry out any processing other than storing the data to make it available for the competent public administrations, judges and courts, or the public prosecutor's office, to support any potential liabilities arising from the contractual relationship maintained or related to data processing. We will keep your encrypted data for the time frames set out in applicable provisions or, where appropriate, in the contractual relationships with the Bank, and physically erase or fully anonymise your data once these time frames have passed.
  • With whom do we share your data?

  • We share your personal data with:
    1. Santander Group companies and Santander Group third-party partner companies and/or affiliate companies (for example, insurance companies and financial asset management companies). Depending on the data-processing purpose that we have set out to you in this document, we will only share your data with third parties: i) when it is necessary to transfer data to fulfil your request or the service (for example, in some instances, when you are the winner of a draw/competition, we will share your identification and contact data with the Bank's partners for the promotion, so that the prize can be issued and/or delivered to you, or in cases where the prize bears the winner's name [such as tickets to an event], we will disclose your data to the organiser so that the organiser can check that you are the rightful owner); ii) when you provide us your consent to install and use cookies, as a user of the Bank's website and app; and finally, iii) when we need to disclose them in order to comply with a legal obligation.
    2. Government agencies, where there is a legal obligation to disclose it to them:

      2.1) The Spanish Tax Agency, in accordance with tax legislation.

      2.2) Competent authorities.
    3. Courts and state law enforcement and security forces, when doing so is required due to a legal obligation or when it is necessary for the preparation, execution or defence of claims, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Bank to guarantee its right to effective legal protection.
    4. Lawyers and legal representatives when acting as procedural representatives before a court, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Bank to guarantee its right to effective legal protection and legal assistance.
    5. Notary publics, in cases where they are necessary as part of your participation in a competition, draw or experience, for example, when the winner is chosen before a notary public.
    6. Banco Santander service providers: The Bank also works in partnership with some third-party service providers who have access to your personal data and who process this data, in their capacity as data processor, on behalf of the Bank as part of their services.

      The Bank follows strict criteria when selecting its service providers so as to ensure compliance with its data protection obligations, and it signs data processing agreements with them, binding them to the following obligations: applying appropriate technical and organisational measures; processing personal data for the purposes agreed and only in accordance with documented instructions from the Bank; and deleting or returning the data to the Bank once the services have been provided.

      Specifically, the Bank will arrange to have third parties provide services in sectors including but not limited to the following: logistics services, legal advice, administration, provider approval, multidisciplinary professional services companies, technological service provider companies, software service provider companies, physical security companies, instant messaging service providers and call centre service companies.
  • Will your personal data be transferred to third countries?

  • The data processors engaged by the Bank may include providers outside of the European Economic Area, with your data being transmitted internationally. To that effect, the Bank will only transfer to third countries (i) if there is an adequacy decision that determines the country to have a level of protection comparable to that of the European Union; (ii) failing that, by applying suitable safeguards to conform with the data protection regulation, such as signing standard contractual clauses or the binding corporate rules. The Data Subject may request further information regarding the aforementioned appropriate safeguards by using the contact information in the section "What are your rights when you provide us with your data?".
  • What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

  • You may exercise your rights of access, portability, rectification, erasure, restriction and objection.

    With regard to processing on the basis of a legitimate interest, you may request information relating to the Bank's assessment, as well as object to any such processing; for the purposes thereof, you must contact the Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office and explain the reason for your objection.

    In addition, you may revoke, at any time, the consent that you have given, with no legal effect on any processing carried out prior on the basis of said consent.

    To exercise these rights, or for any matter related to the processing of your personal data, please send an email to privacidad@gruposantander.es or send a letter to: C/ Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 11-13, 28027 Madrid, Spain (FAO Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office). Where there are reasonable doubts with regard to your identity (for example, where communications are sent from an email address that differs to the one that you provided to the Bank), you will be requested to provide additional information to help us verify your identity. Should you exercise your rights through a representative, you must also provide valid supporting documentation for this representation.

    The additional information that you provide to identify yourself will be processed for the purposes of verifying your identity and managing the handling of the right asserted.

    Should you exercise your right to access your personal data, please note that you will only receive a copy of the data that is being processed by this entity.

    In addition, you may contact the Bank's Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office at the following email address privacidad@gruposantander.es.

    Finally, you can lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). The necessary information is available on its website: www.aepd.es

The Bank may update this document in the future. The date of its entry into force is provided at the bottom of the document. Check this information periodically to ensure that you are familiar with the latest version.

Version: June 18, 2024


You can manage your consents by accessing your personal area.

Further information on data protection for non-customers

  • Who is the data controller?

  • Banco Santander, S.A (hereinafter "the Bank" or "Banco Santander").

    Postal address: C/ Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 11-13, 28027 Madrid.

    Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office contact: privacidad@gruposantander.es

  • What types of persons are covered by this document?

  • This document applies to all persons who, despite not necessarily being customers of the Entity, promptly request the Bank to provide a service or carry out an operation, usually cash operations, including, for example, currency exchange, payment orders, receipts or invoices.
  • What types of personal data do we collect and process?

    • Identification and contact details: Identity document (Spanish tax ID (NIF), Spanish national ID (DNI), foreign registration number (NIE), non-Spanish identity document/corporate tax ID (CIF)), name and surname, customer number, address, residence, telephone numbers and email address.

      If you have used a digitised handwritten signature in your relations with the Bank in order to request services and/or complete transactions, we will retain the data obtained by digitising the handwritten signature (such as the order, intensity, speed, pressure and acceleration of the stroke), which will be used exclusively as evidence in the event of repudiation, in order to verify, by means of comparison, that the signature is yours, thus authenticating the customer in order to accredit the authenticity of the documentation or transaction that you are requesting from the Bank.

    The Bank will not collect or process data from minors, unless they have requested a service from the bank or issued an order to the Entity, either directly or on behalf of their parents or guardians. The processing of minors' data shall be limited exclusively to the provision of the service or the execution of the order received.

  • How do we obtain your data?

  • The Bank obtains your data through the following sources:

    1. Directly from you, through the information that you provide us when you request a service or the execution of an order, through any of the channels that the Bank makes available to you (branch, telephone channel, online services, etc.).
    2. In some cases when, for example, you are the beneficiary of a payment, the Payer may provide your data to the Bank. In these cases, such third parties should be aware that, prior to the communication of your data, they have the obligation to inform you of the transfer and, where appropriate, to have obtained your authorisation.
    3. External information sources:
    • Specialised information files or public sources available on the internet relating to the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, from which the Bank obtains information on its customers who hold or are involved in accounts, legal representatives and beneficial owners of accounts.
    • Your client, if you are acting as a representative or an authorised individual for a company, entity or another individual.
  • For what purposes and on what lawful basis do we process your personal data?

  • The different purposes of Banco Santander's data processing are set out below:

    1. Providing the service or executing the order that you have requested or instructed.

      The lawful basis for this processing is to execute the service that you have requested from the Bank.

    2. Compliance with the Bank's legal obligations

      We will process your personal data to comply with the legal obligations applicable to the Bank, such as:

    • Obligations relating to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

      To comply with these obligations, the Bank will process the data required to comply with the due diligence obligations set out in the applicable regulation. For these purposes, the Bank will also share your personal data with other Santander Group companies and third-party entities and/or partners of the Group, under the terms provided by this regulation.

      Furthermore, the Bank may process the Data Subjects' data to issue relevant statements to the authorities under the cases established for the purpose, with regard to transactions involving cash, banknotes and cheques issued to the bearer.

      Finally, the Bank may process data that are necessary to analyse operations performed that may present signs of money laundering or terrorist financing, and will carry out the relevant notices, where appropriate, with the Anti-Money Laundering and Monetary Offences (SEPBLAC) Authority by(i) regularly reporting on operations that meet specific requirements set by the SEPBLAC or (ii) requesting specific information on an operation.

    • Commercial, corporate and tax obligations and obligations of any kind imposed by the supervisory bodies and competent authorities (for example, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Spain, the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission or the Spanish Data Protection Agency).

    The lawful basis for this processing is compliance with legal obligations applicable to the Bank.

    1. Prevention and investigation of fraud

      We will process and/or communicate your data to third parties, whether or not they are Santander Group companies, to detect and analyse potential fraudulent activity, identify and determine the participants in the same, and, where applicable, carry out any measures deemed necessary.

      The lawful basis this processing is the Bank's legitimate interest in preventing, investigating and/or discovering fraud.

    2. Management of administrative, preliminary ruling and judicial proceedings

      In this case, we will process your personal data to protect the rights and interests of the Bank in any type of administrative, preliminary ruling and/or judicial proceedings arising from or linked to the relationship with you.

      The lawful basis for such processing lies in the Bank's legitimate interest in guaranteeing and exercising its right to effective legal protection.

  • Is it compulsory to provide your data?

  • It is compulsory for you to provide us with your data insofar as you wish to request a service or an operation from the Bank that requires your identification, in accordance with current regulations.
  • How long do we keep your data?

  • We will process your personal data for as long as they are needed for the purposes for which they were collected.

    When your personal data becomes no longer necessary for the purposes set out in this document, we will store it, duly encrypted, which will mean that the Bank will not carry out any processing other than storing the data to make it available for the competent public administrations, judges and courts, or the public prosecutor's office; to support potential liabilities arising from the contractual relationships maintained or related to data processing. We will keep your encrypted data for the time frames set out in the applicable provisions or, where appropriate, in the contractual relationships with the Bank, and physically erase or fully anonymise your data once these time frames have passed.
  • With whom do we share your data?

  • We share your personal data with:

    1. Companies of the Banco Santander Group. We will only share your data with such third parties when the transfer is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
    2. Government agencies and private entities, when there is a legal obligation to disclose it to them (non-exhaustive list):

      2.1)The Spanish Tax Agency, in accordance with tax legislation.

      2.2) Competent authorities specialised in countering terrorist financing, serious forms of organised crime and anti-money laundering prevention.

    3. Courts and state law enforcement and security forces, when doing so is required due to a legal obligation or when it is necessary for the preparation, execution or defence of claims, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Bank to guarantee its right to effective legal protection.
    4. Lawyers and legal representatives, when acting as procedural representatives before a court, on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Bank to guarantee its right to effective legal protection and legal assistance.
    5. Other credit entities, in cases where sharing your data is necessary to carry out an order or provide a service that you have requested from us. For example, when you request a transfer to another entity, located outside or within the European Union, we will necessarily communicate your data to carry out the requested order.
    6. Banco Santander service providers: The Bank works in partnership with some third-party service providers who have access to your personal data and who process this data, as the data processor, on behalf of the Bank as part of their services.

      The Bank follows strict criteria when selecting its service providers so as to ensure compliance with its data protection obligations, and it signs data processing agreements with them binding them to the following obligations: applying appropriate technical and organisational measures; processing personal data for the purposes agreed and only in accordance with documented instructions from the Bank; and deleting or returning the data to the Bank once the services have been provided.

      Specifically, the Bank will arrange to have third parties provide services in sectors including but not limited to the following: logistics services, legal advice, administration, provider approval, multidisciplinary professional services companies, technological service provider companies, software service provider companies, physical security companies, instant messaging service providers and call centre service companies.
  • Will your personal data be transferred to third countries?

  • The data processors engaged by the Bank may include providers outside of the European Economic Area, with your data being transmitted internationally. As such, the Bank has appropriate safeguards of compliance with data protection regulations, including the signing of standard contractual clauses or binding corporate rules. The Data Subject may request further information regarding the aforementioned appropriate safeguards by using the contact information in the section "What are your rights when you provide us with your data?".

    Furthermore, when you request a transaction in which the destination bank account is in a country outside of the European Economic Area, your personal data will be transferred to the institution with which said account is held. In such circumstances, the legitimate basis for the aforementioned transfer is that it is necessary to carry out the requested order.

  • What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

  • You may exercise your rights of access, portability, rectification, erasure, restriction and objection.

    With regard to data processing on the basis of a legitimate interest, you may request information relating to the Bank's assessment, as well as object to any such data processing; for the purposes thereof, you must contact the Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office and explain the reason for your objection.

    To exercise these rights, or for any matter related to the processing of your personal data, please send an email to privacidad@gruposantander.es or send a letter to: C/ Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 11-13, 28027 Madrid, Spain (FAO Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office). Where there are reasonable doubts with regard to your identity (for example, where communications are sent from an email address that differs to the one that you provided to the Bank), you will be requested to provide additional information to help us verify your identity. Should you exercise your rights through a representative, you must also provide valid supporting documentation for this representation.

    The additional information that you provide to identify yourself will be processed for the purposes of verifying your identity and managing the handling of the right asserted.

    Should you exercise your right to access your personal data, please note that you will only receive a copy of the data that is being processed by this entity.

    In addition, you may contact the Bank's Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office at the following email address: privacidad@gruposantander.es.

    Finally, you can lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). The necessary information is available on its website: www.aepd.es

The Bank may update this document in the future. The publication date is provided at the bottom of the document. Please check this page regularly to ensure that you are familiar with the latest version.

Version: February 22, 2023


You can manage your consents by accessing your personal area.


You can find all the information on data protection, including how to exercise your rights, at the following link: https://www.bancosantander.es/informacion-proteccion-datos/proteccion-datos-herederos-beneficiarios.


  1. Any personal data (hereinafter the "Data") that the individual may provide to Banco Santander, S.A. (hereinafter the "Bank"), including the data of any third-party data subject involved in an inheritance (heir and/or beneficiary), (hereinafter the "Applicant" and the "Party Involved", respectively, and the "Data Subjects" together), in relation to this application, will be processed by the Bank as the data controller, primarily for the following purposes and in accordance with the legitimate interests indicated:

i. The issuing of the certificate of account ownership. This processing is necessary for executing this application.

ii. The transfer of personal data included in the documentation provided for the execution of the will to Santander Pensiones S.A. EGFP., Santander Previsión 1, EPSV, Santander Previsión Colectiva, EPSV, Allianz Popular Pensiones, EGFP S.A.U., Europrevisión, EPSV, Europrevisión Colectivos, EPSV, Santander Seguros y Reaseguros Compañía Aseguradora, S.A., Santander Vida Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., Santander Generales Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. and Popular Vida 2020, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.U., in the event that the deceased held products with these Management entities or Insurers, which were sold or distributed by Banco Santander S.A, for the purpose of issuing the certificate of ownership. This processing is necessary for executing this application.

iii. If applicable, considering the type of request made and by virtue of the provisions in applicable regulations in the area of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing, the Bank may process the Data Subjects' Data so that they can make the pertinent statement to the authorities under the cases established for the purpose with regard to transactions involving cash, banknotes and cheques made out to the bearer. This processing will be performed in compliance with a legal obligation, compliance with which is the Bank's responsibility.

iv. The completion of satisfaction surveys concerning this will management service and/or the customer service provided, whether by electronic means or otherwise, where there is no interest in the identity of the interviewee, in order to extract relevant and pertinent information, in such a way that you are able to freely choose whether to identify yourself or complete the survey anonymously. This processing is necessary to satisfy the Bank's legitimate interest in terms of improving the customer service and the quality of the will management service through the results of the surveys.

With regard to processing (vi), Data Subjects may exercise their right to object by contacting the Data Protection Officer or Privacy Office, as indicated in section 3, explaining the reason for their objection and bearing in mind that they should reference "Surveys".

The data provided by the Data Subjects to the Bank exclusively to request information on pension plans, life insurance and savings insurance policies will be processed by the Bank in its capacity as the Data Controller of the Insurance and Management Companies, pursuant to the instructions received and solely for the purpose of collecting the data and making it available to said companies.

Under no circumstances will the Bank process or store any health-related data, or any other data provided by the Data Subjects to process a claim for a specific purpose, it being the information recipients, the Insurance and/or Management Companies, who are the data controllers for this data.

  1. The Bank may provide the Data to third parties in the following circumstances:

i. Competent public bodies, judges and courts when the Bank is legally obliged to provide it.

ii. Third-party service providers may occasionally have access to the Data Subjects' Data on behalf of the Bank (e.g. technology and software service providers, call centre service companies, professional services firms). These providers include Salesforce Inc., a company located in the United States with which the Bank has signed standard contractual clauses.

  1. Data Subjects have the right to access, rectify, erase, object to or request the restriction of certain processing. They also have the right to insist on the portability of their Data, to object to being the subject of decisions solely based on automated processing and, in general, to check any matter related to the processing of their personal Data. All such rights may be exercised before each company's Privacy Office or Data Protection Officer, as listed below:

In addition to the request, the Data Subject should include a copy of their official identity document. If the Data Subject is opposing the purpose (iv) outlined in section 1 above, they should also reference "Surveys".

  1. We will process your data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Once the ownership certificate has been provided, and provided that there is no other legal provision for us to process your Data, we will keep it encrypted during the time frames set out in applicable legal provisions or by the statute of limitations, following which the Bank will either physically erase or fully anonymise your Data.
  2. Detailed information on the Bank's data protection can be found in the Legal Notice on Santander's website at www.bancosantander.es, which the Data Subject undertakes to transmit to any participant in the inheritance process whose data they may have provided to the Bank as part of the application and who does not participate as a signatory to this agreement.

For other transferee companies, please see:


You can find all the information on data protection, including how to exercise your rights, at the following link: https://www.bancosantander.es/informacion-proteccion-datos/protecccion-datos-testamenterias.


  1. Any personal data (hereinafter the "Data") that an individual may provide to Banco Santander, S.A. (hereinafter the "Bank"), including the data of any third-party data subject involved in an inheritance (heir and/or beneficiary), (hereinafter the "Applicant" and the "Party Involved", respectively, and the "Data Subjects" together), in relation to the execution of a will, will be processed by the Bank, as the data controller, primarily for the following purposes and in accordance with the legitimate interests indicated:

i. The processing of the testamentary document requested and all action concerning the allocation and distribution of the estate. This processing is necessary for executing wills.

ii. The transfer of personal data included in the documentation provided for the execution of the will to Santander Pensiones S.A. EGFP, Santander Previsión 1, EPSV, Santander Previsión Colectiva, EPSV, Allianz Popular Pensiones, EGFP S.A.U., Europrevisión, EPSV, Europrevisión Colectivos, EPSV, Santander Seguros y Reaseguros Compañía Aseguradora, S.A., Santander Vida Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., Santander Generales Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. and Popular Vida 2020, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.U., in the event that the deceased held products with these Management Entities or Insurers, which were sold or distributed by Banco Santander S.A, for the purpose of proposing testamentary documents and, where applicable, insurance claims and the collection of pension plans. This processing is necessary for executing wills.

iii. If applicable, considering the type of request made and by virtue of the provisions in applicable regulations in the area of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing, the Bank may process the Data Subjects' Data so that they can make the pertinent statement to the authorities under the cases established for the purpose with regard to transactions involving cash, banknotes and cheques made out to the bearer. This processing will be performed in compliance with a legal obligation, compliance with which is the Bank's responsibility.

iv. Preventing, investigating and/or discovering fraudulent activity, including the potential disclosure of Data Subjects' Data to third parties, whether these are Santander Group companies or not. This processing is necessary to satisfy the Bank's legitimate interests.

v. Anonymisation procedures, after which the Bank will no longer be able to identify the Data Subjects. The purpose of this processing is to use the anonymised information for statistical purposes and to create behaviour models. This processing is necessary to satisfy the Bank's legitimate interests.

vi. The completion of satisfaction surveys concerning this will management service and/or the customer service provided, whether by electronic means or otherwise, where there is no interest in the identity of the interviewees, in order to extract relevant and pertinent information, in such a way that you are able to freely choose whether to identify yourself or complete the survey anonymously. This processing is necessary to satisfy the Bank's legitimate interest in terms of improving the customer service and the quality of the will management service through the results of the surveys.

With regard to processing (iv), (v) and (vi), Data Subjects may exercise their right to object by contacting the Data Protection Officer or Privacy Office, as indicated in section 3, explaining the reason for their objection and taking into consideration that if they are opposing the purpose (vi) they should reference "Surveys".

The data provided by the Data Subjects to the Bank exclusively to manage the collection of pension plans, life insurance and savings insurance policies will be processed by the Bank in its capacity as the Data Controller of the Insurance and Management Companies, pursuant to the instructions received, and solely for the purpose of collecting the data and making it available to said companies.

Under no circumstances will the Bank process or store any health-related data, or any other data provided by the Data Subjects to process a claim for a specific purpose, it being the information recipients, the Insurance and/or Management Companies, who are the data controllers for this data.

  1. The Bank may provide the Data to third parties in the following circumstances:

i. Competent public bodies, judges and courts when the Bank is legally obliged to provide it.

ii. Third-party service providers may occasionally have access to the Data Subjects' Data on behalf of the Bank (e.g. technology and software service providers, call centre service companies, professional services firms). These providers include Salesforce Inc., a company located in the United States with which the Bank has signed standard contractual clauses.

  1. Data Subjects have the right to access, rectify, erase, object to or request the restriction of certain processing. They also have the right to insist on the portability of their Data, to object to being the subject of decisions solely based on automated processing and, in general, to check any matter related to the processing of their personal Data. All such rights may be exercised before each company's Privacy Office or Data Protection Officer, as listed below:

In addition to the request, the Data Subject should include a copy of their official identity document. If the Data Subject is opposing the purpose (iv) outlined in section 1 above, they should also reference "Surveys".

  1. We will process your data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Once the will has been processed, and provided that there is no other legal provision for us to process your Data, we will keep it encrypted during the time frames set out in applicable legal provisions or by the statute of limitations, following which the Bank will either physically erase or fully anonymise your Data.
  2. Detailed information on data protection can be found at the following websites:

The Data Subject undertakes to send this detailed information to any Party Involved in the inheritance process whose data they may have provided to the Bank in order for it to be processed.

Version: February 22, 2023


You can manage your consents by accessing your personal area.

Data Protection Officer

How to contact the Data Protection Officer? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

The Bank has appointed a Data Protection Officer who plays an important role in compliance with the legal data protection framework for all processing operations completed by the entity.

Among other things, the Data Protection Officer is responsible for informing and advising the Bank as well as its employees who perform processing functions of the applicable data protection legislation, as well as ensuring that these regulations, and the Bank's policies in this area, are observed. This includes assigning responsibilities, awareness-raising and training of staff and conducting the corresponding audits.

You can contact the Data Protection Officer at privacidad@gruposantander.es or by writing to Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena 11-13, 28027, Madrid, Spain, to resolve any doubts that you may have regarding the Bank's privacy policy and to ask any questions about the processing of your personal data and, in general, the applicable legislation on personal data protection.

Likewise, you can contact the Data Protection Officer to submit any complaints concerning the processing of your personal data and to exercise your personal data rights.


You can manage your consents by accessing your personal area.

Frecuently Asked Questions

    How to contact the Data Protection Officer?