Financing and management of payments to suppliers

In your day-to-day operations, you have to manage the payment of invoices to your suppliers. But it doesn't always suit you to do this on the due date.

In order for you to cover them without problems, we offer you Pago Ágil: the product that finances the payment of invoices to your suppliers, both national and international, in euros or other currencies1.

The procedure is quick and easy. This financial solution offers you, in addition to financing, the agility that your payments require so that your relationship with your suppliers continues to be excellent.

Pago Ágil in 3 steps. It's that simple:

  1. Identify the invoices you want to finance and the period you need.
  2. Issue a remittance through Electronic Banking.
  3. From that moment on, we take care of the rest:
  • Paying your supplier on the date that you had agreed on the invoice.
  • Deferring the collection from you until the date agreed in the finance agreement.

If you arrange Pago Ágil by Santander:

  • You choose which invoices you want to finance.
  • You improve your planning and cash management.
  • Minimise the risk of mismatches between incomings and outgoings.
  • You get financing the moment you need it.
  • Lighter administrative load, since Banco Santander is in charge of managing the payment.


The financing service for the payment of invoices through Pago Ágil, is linked to an interest rate plus a commission on the amount financed, which is charged to the discount, that is, at the time you send us the remittance.


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